We take pride in all our devices being serviceable and repairable. It's not unusual for us to repair even devices that are
more than a decade old!

Some Series 2 components are no longer available, and the tools for some programmable components are not supported by current computer systems, so a handful of S2 devices can no longer be fixed, but it's a short list.

However, if any of your broken devices are Series 2, you should also consider trading them in. Working or not, each S2 device is worth $100 towards a new Series 3 device. Sometimes that's a better deal than spending $100 to repair a device that is inferior to Series 3 in a multitude of ways.

Most repairs we see are: 
- Screw terminals require replacement, approx cost $50 - $80 per device. We always replace all of the terminals.
- Failed dimmer channel, approx $50 each. We repair only ones that have actually failed.
- Radio modules have failed or have poor range. This is the most expensive, since the entire module must be replaced at a cost of $125 - $165. But these problems are very rare. 
- Prices above are typical, but can vary a little bit depending on the condition of the device and the time it takes to do the work.

If you could get them over to us fairly soon, we can get them repaired within a few days of their arrival. This varies a little bit,
depending on how busy we are at any given time.

Please remove all tape, Velcro, external wiring, and anything else that impedes disassembly of the units. When we have to do that stuff, we charge our bench rate for the time. Don't worry about damaging labels, we usually replace them anyway, for a fresh new look when you get them back (provided we still have the required labels on hand).